1.18.2 / 世界 / 鉱石とミネラル



TerraFirmaCraft の鉱石と鉱物は希少です。バニラとは異なり、鉱石が一つ当たり大量に含まれる希少な鉱脈で見つかり、見つけるには 探鉱 が必要です。 異なる鉱石は、異なる種類の岩石や異なる標高にも出現します。つまり、適切な高度で適切な種類の岩石を見つけることが、探している鉱石を見つける鍵となります。

さらに、一部の鉱石は グレード があります。 鉱石ブロックには「低純度」、「中純度」、または「高純度」のブロックがあり、鉱脈が異なれば各タイプのブロックの濃度も異なります。 高純度 の鉱脈は、より儲かります。



Native Copper is an ore of Copper metal. It can be found at any elevation, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Igneous Extrusive rocks.

Block Visualization

Native Copper Ores in Dacite.


Native Gold is an ore of Gold metal. It can be found at elevations below y=60, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Igneous Extrusive and Igneous Intrusive rocks.

Block Visualization

Native Gold Ores in Diorite.


Native Silver is an ore of Silver metal. It can be found at elevations between y=-32 and y=100. It can be found in Granite, and Gneiss primarily, however smaller poorer veins can be found in any Metamorphic rocks.

Block Visualization

Native Silver Ores in Granite.


Hematite is an ore of Iron metal. It can be found at elevations below y=75. It can be found in Igneous Extrusive rocks.

Block Visualization

Hematite Ores in Andesite.


Cassiterite is an ore of Tin metal. It can be found at any elevation, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Igneous Intrusive rocks.

When found in Granite, cassiterite veins can also contain traces of Topaz.

Block Visualization

Cassiterite Ores in Diorite.


Bismuthinite is an ore of Bismuth metal. It can be found at any elevation, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Igneous Intrusive and Sedimentary rocks.

Block Visualization

Bismuthinite Ores in Shale.


Garnierite is an ore of Nickel metal. It can be found at elevations between y=-32 and y=100. It can be found primarily in Gabbro, however smaller poorer veins can be found in any Igneous Intrusive rocks.

Block Visualization

Garnierite Ores in Gabbro.


Malachite is an ore of Copper metal. It can be found at elevations between y=-32 and y=100. It can be found primarily in Marble or Limestone, however smaller poorer veins can also be found in Phyllite, Chalk, and Dolomite.

When found in Limestone, malachite veins can also contain traces of Gypsum.

Block Visualization

Malachite Ores in Marble.


Magnetite is an ore of Iron metal. It can be found at elevations below y=60, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

Block Visualization

Magnetite Ores in Limestone.


Limonite is an ore of Iron metal. It can be found at elevations below y=60, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

When found in Limestone or Shale, Limonite veins can also contain traces of Rubies.

Block Visualization

Limonite Ores in Chalk.


sphalerite is an ore of Zinc metal. It can be found at any elevation, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Metamorphic rocks.

Block Visualization

Sphalerite Ores in Quartzite.


Tetrahedrite is an ore of Copper metal. It can be found at any elevation, but deeper veins are often richer. It can be found in Metamorphic rocks.

Block Visualization

Tetrahedrite Ores in Schist.


Bituminous Coal is a type of Coal ore. It can be found at elevations above y=0. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

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Bituminous Coal in Chert.


Lignite is a type of Coal ore. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

Block Visualization

Lignite in Dolomite.


Kaolinite is a Mineral which is used in the construction of Fire Clay. It can be found at elevations above y=0. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

Block Visualization

Kaolinite in Claystone.


Graphite is a Mineral which is used in the construction of Fire Clay. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found in Gneiss, Marble, Quartzite, and Schist.

Block Visualization

Graphite in Gneiss.


Cinnabar is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern to obtain Redstone Dust. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found in Igneous Extrusive rocks, Quartzite, and Shale.

When found in Quartzite, cinnabar veins can also contain traces of Opal.

Block Visualization

Cinnabar in Quartzite.


Cryolite is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern to obtain Redstone Dust. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found only in Granite.

Block Visualization

Cryolite in Granite.


Saltpeter is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern, and then used in the crafting of Gunpowder. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

When found in Limestone, saltpeter veins also can contain traces of Gypsum.

Block Visualization

Saltpeter in Shale.


Sulfur is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern, and then used in the crafting of Gunpowder. It can be found at elevations above y=0. It can be found in Igneous Extrusive rocks. It can also be found more commonly in Volcanic areas, in both Igneous Extrusive and Igneous Intrusive rocks, at higher elevations.

Block Visualization

Sulfur in Basalt.


Sylvite is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern, and then used as a Fertilizer. It can be found at elevations above y=0. It can be found in Shale, Claystone and Chert.

Block Visualization

Sylvite in Chert.


Borax is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern to produce Flux. It can be found at elevations above y=0. It can be found in Claystone, Limestone, and Shale.

Block Visualization

Borax in Shale.


Lapis Lazuli is a decorative Mineral which can be used to make Dye. It can be found at elevations below y=100. It can be found in Limestone and Marble.

Block Visualization

Lapis Lazuli in Limestone.


Gypsum is a decorative Mineral which can be used to make Alabaster. It appears in dense disc like formations at elevations between y=30 and y=90. It can be found in Metamorphic rocks.

Block Visualization

Gypsum in Phyllite.


Halite is a Mineral which can be ground in the Quern to make Salt, which is an important Preservative. It appears in dense disc like formations at elevations between y=30 and y=90. It can be found in Sedimentary rocks.

Block Visualization

Halite in Chalk.


Emerald is a decorative Gemstone. It looks quite pretty, maybe if you could find someone else in this incredibly lonely world you could trade it with them...

It appears in thin vertical ore formations which can be up to 60 blocks high. It can be found in Igneous Intrusive rocks.

Block Visualization

Emerald in Diorite.


Kimberlite is a decorative and priceless Gemstone. It appears in thin vertical ore formations called Kimberlite Pipes which can be up to 60 blocks high. It can only be found in Gabbro.

Block Visualization

Kimberlite in Gabbro.